The amazing shampoo & body wash bars from Natural Wisdom

We restocked on some Natural Wisdom products, including their amazing Shampoos and Conditioners! Available here.

natural wisdom shampoo and body wash bars. bounce, blue jungle, yuzu zing, unscented turmeric oatcream

natural wisdom blue jungle shampoo and body wash bar

natural wisdom bounce shampoo and body wash bar, conditioner bar

Today I especially want to talk about their Shampoo & Body Wash Bars. They provide a superb lather and beautifully cleanse the scalp & hair without leaving a greasy residue that you may experience with some shampoo bars. They are made with natural, organic and vegan ingredients. Zero waste. Cannot forget to mention they are also moisturizing and I really love them & have been a fan for years! - Jana

Available in 4 scents:

🦋Blue Jungle - for all hair & skin types with a particular affinity for hair prone to dryness,
🌿Bounce - specifically created to nourish and nurture fine hair, by giving the scalp everything it possibly can to encourage volume, vitality and 'bounce',
✨Unscented Oatcream & Turmeric - created specifically to deliver gentle soothing cleansing to easily triggered skin, and
💚Yuzu Zing - for all hair & skin types and with a special affinity for oily scalps.
Certains produits Natural Wisdom sont maintenant de nouveau disponibles, incluant leurs fantastiques Shampoings et Revitalisants!

Aujourd’hui, je veux surtout vous parler de leurs Shampoo & Body Wash en barres. Ils procurent une mousse magnifique et nettoient en profondeur le cuir chevelu et les cheveux dans laisser de résidus que vous avez pu observé chez certains shampoings en barres. Ils sont faits avec des ingrédients naturels, bio et végan. Aucun gaspillage. Je ne peux pas oublier de mentionner aussi qu’ils sont très hydratants; j’adore les utiliser et je suis une adepte depuis des années! - Jana

Disponible en 4 versions :

🦋Blue Jungle
✨Unscented Oatcream & Turmeric
💚Yuzu Zing
Photos by @naturalwisdomspa.

Natural Wisdom Shampoo & Body Wash Bars are available here.

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