WELCOME MARIN BEE 🐝 in The Green Jungle🌿
a brand 🍯from San Francisco

Brand presentation

“It all started when Debra and Bill wanted to help spread the word about the worldwide die-off of the honey bee 🐝due to Colony Collapse Disorder and other environmental factors. Backyard beekeepers themselves, Deb and Bill began to teach free beekeeping workshops in their community. Soon friends, neighbors, local schools and organizations began reaching out with questions and requests to set up hives. Debra and Bill knew the time was right to take action. They imagined a world where bee hives once again flourished in home gardens as they did in their grandparents’ time. In those days, bees were as much a part of a garden as the flowers and vegetables, and people knew their gardens and their tables depended on the honeybee.”

Change the World, One Bee 🐝 at Time
“It’s up to us. Here at Marin Bee, we are thrilled when you purchase and enjoy our skin care line, as a portion of all sales goes to supporting Planet Bee Foundation's philanthropic programs. You can also become involved in helping the honey bee directly with their Adopt-A-Hive program or by learning more about their community, educational and corporate bee education programs.”
It is important to know that you can change the world one bee at a time, simply by adding a hive to your own garden, enjoying the benefits of pure, raw honey and supporting the lone honey bee. One small act makes for one big collective effort. We welcome you to join us.


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